Need help?


Below is a list of common issues that some survey respondents have experienced along with their causes and solutions.


My receipt doesn't have a Survey Access Code

All the receipts have a survey code to access the platform. If you don’t have your receipt, there is a link a 'Don't have a Survey Access Code? Click here' button where you can be taken into the survey simply by supplying the city and location of the store shopped at.


Invalid Survey Access Code Message

The survey access code can be difficult to read on the receipt. Often the number 8 (eight) and the letter B look alike and the number 0 (zero). The letter D can sometimes look alike also. Check your receipt carefully to make sure the numbers and letters are actually as they appear.


Survey won't accept my telephone number

The phone number field is expecting to receive a 10 digit number without any spaces, parentheses, dashes or dots. Example: 1112223333. Sometimes a space at the beginning or end can cause this issue.


Survey won’t accept my email address

The email address field is expecting to receive a string of characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z) without any spaces, parentheses or accented characters. Example: Sometimes a space at the beginning or end can cause this issue.


Survey won’t accept my postal code

The Postal Code field is expecting to receive a series of numbers and Uppercase letters without any spaces. Example: A1B2C3 or J1Z2H7. Sometimes a space at the beginning or end can cause this issue.


If you didn't find an answer to your problem

You can contact us at:

Telephone: 1-855-606-4646

Or Click "Contact us" at